This study provides a brief record of the history of child care in the United States and how policy decisions and cultural context have paved the way for the insufficient options for quality child care that parents and guardians face today. It explores who is currently being impacted by this crisis, both directly and indirectly, and reviews what existing research data suggest as both challenges and solutions to this crisis. Additionally, this study offers a comparative analysis of programs on a local and global level. Particular attention is paid to the quality and accessibility of the programs themselves. Consideration is also given to the cultural and political contexts which allow the programs to thrive or play a role in their shortcomings. Those contexts are subsequently compared to the cultural and political context of the United States. Ultimately, this study recommends minor changes that could be made and how those small changes might provide better opportunities for accessible quality childcare.
Courtney Gibson will graduate in May 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts in Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership and concentration in Public Policy and Advocacy. Prior to Salem, Courtney was a registered nurse in various areas such as high-risk pregnancy and case management for a county health department and a national private insurance company. Currently, she lives in Winston-Salem, NC with her husband, Gerry, and two sons, Bennett (8) and Turner (5). When she's not doing schoolwork, you can find her with her family drinking coffee and running (not at the same time).
Mary Allison Gray’s passion for empowering others in her community inspired her to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in nonprofit management with a focus in public policy and advocacy. Throughout her education, she has been intrigued by the practice of looking at an issue through a holistic lens, especially in regards to the effect of systems of inequality. This past fall, she completed an internship at Safe on Seven Domestic Violence Center where she witnessed firsthand how these systems of inequality impact individuals in crisis and influence their decisions moving forward. Since her internship, Safe on Seven has joined community partners to emerge as Bridges to Hope Family Justice Center of Forsyth County, and Mary Allison has joined the organization as a Victim Advocate and Case Manager.
...there is a child care (and elder care) crisis in the US. I look forward to digging deeper into your poster and to your Q&A session!
Hi! I thought your poster was very informative and I hate I wasn't able to attend your question and answer session. My main questions is:
- Are there any initiatives/ organizations in place trying to solve this problem? This could be at the national, state, or local level. If so, are they having any success?
Great Job!