For a long time, there has been a theory among medical professionals that weather impacts the occurrence of strokes. If this connection exists, having a better understanding of it would increase our ability to take preventative measures against strokes as well as better prepare hospitals for days with higher probability of strokes based on weather forecasts. Various meteorological factors were examined, but the main ones examined were temperature and atmospheric pressure. When examining the impacts these factors have on strokes in the context of geographic location, it is seen that temperature may have a slight connection with stroke occurrence, however there is not enough data to draw this conclusion. Atmospheric pressure has no connection to stroke occurrence. This shows that the theory that weather has an impact on stroke occurrence may be a myth. In order to understand the true causes behind strokes, the biochemistry behind strokes was examined. This research explains how strokes occur from a biochemical perspective. This research has shown that strokes are more likely to be caused by internal biochemical factors, not external factors such as the weather.
RoyseAnn Day is a senior Biochemistry major from Lexington, Kentucky. She is the president of the American Chemical Society club, vice president of Tri-Beta, vice president of the Admissions Ambassadors, is a member of Mortar Board, and is an RA on campus. After graduating from Salem with a B.S. in Biochemistry, RoyseAnn plans to take a gap year to work and apply to medical schools.