Dr. León-Távora's CAE presentation is based on her latest book chapter on Actvismo Estético [Aesthetic Activism] in the testimonial book, Ser mujer negra en España [Being a Black Woman in Spain], by Afro-Spanish author Desirée Bela-Lobedde, in which the author demonstrates that visibility and representation are key in securing the physical and mental health of minority groups. This book chapter is part of a forthcoming collaborative volume on feminist studies in contemporary Spain.
Dr. Ana León-Távora is Associate Professor of Spanish at Salem College, where she teaches courses on Spanish grammar and Hispanic literature and culture, and the following courses for the Health Humanities program: Translation for the Health Professions, Latinx cultural studies, and Gender Violence. Dr. Ana León-Távora is currently working on the edition of two books: Afroespañoles: From the Colonial View to Counternarratives of Blackness within Spanish Culture (1920-2020) and General Trash Heap of Theory: Agustín Fernández Mallo’s Iconoclastic Aesthetics. She is also the co-editor and co-translator of Wake Forest University professor Linda Howe’s catalog on contemporary Cuban art, Cuban Artists’ Books and Prints. Libros y Grabados de Artistas Cubanos: 1985-2008, and is the author of different book chapters and articles about various interdisciplinary studies.