How is the theme of love used by Thornton Wilder to depict the characters in The Woman of Andros? My presentation will focus on Thornton Wilder's lesser-known early novella and explore how different kinds of love influence the characters of Chrysis, Glycerium, Pamphilus, and Simo. Their relationships with their community and each other will paint a more detailed picture of how the types of love they interact with are integral to their characters. Using intersectional perspective I will present a modern, critical analysis of Wilder's text and ask how relevant his ideas about love are to us today.
Ariel Montgerard intends to travel outside of the United States in order to continue her freelance research into antiquities and history of Greek literature and art. As an English major and Creative Writing minor, she is determined to better understand classic literary authors and further her skills as a detail-oriented researcher. Her hope is to help other writers engage with their research as well as to edit their work so their vision can come to fruition.
You've always brightened my day when I saw you around campus. Can't wait to hear/see your presentation!
I've never read A Woman of Andros. "Pragma" is an unusual word to use for long-lasting love; "agape" would be more typical, but maybe that was too biblical? You've made me want to read the novel!