The question you never thought to ask: Why don’t the ovaries and fallopian tubes connect?

In humans, the ovaries produce eggs which must cross a gap within the abdominal cavity to reach the fallopian tube for descent down towards the...
4:30 - 5:30 pm
In humans, the ovaries produce eggs which must cross a gap within the abdominal cavity to reach the fallopian tube for descent down towards the...
For a multitude of reasons the life expectancy of African Americans is the lowest of any other demographic in the United States. It is obvious...
Thornton Wilder was a great American novelist and playwright. One theme he returned to frequently in his work was how or why we live. In...
Though Thornton Wilder often incorporated classical characters, concepts, and settings into his writing, he had a particular preoccupation with the myth of Alcestis. My research...
How is the theme of love used by Thornton Wilder to depict the characters in The Woman of Andros? My presentation will focus on...
It’s no secret that twentieth-century American playwright Thornton Wilder believed in the Christian religion, and it’s also no secret that he added many biblical references...
Understanding how animals have survived and adapted to living in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ) is vital to understanding our impacts on the natural world...