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Immersive Interiors

Erin Pait
Erin Pait
Faculty Advisor(s)

The driving force behind my project is immersive environment. Immersive environments are where the individual feels like they are actually at a certain location through the use of visual (and in my case tangible) material where the whole experience envelopes them and transports them to another place. This is mostly seen in video games and in places like the Disney parks, but very few bedrooms are designed solely around this concept. Thus, I’m wanting to bring immersive environments into the home, where individuals can live in their own unique world hidden away in their house. I want to use this as a unique approach in interior design, specifically bedrooms. These room environments will have specific and clearly recognized themes. These themes and how they are created will be gender neutral, and appropriate for all ages. All the elements of the room will be used to transport the individual to the place that the room’s theme is based on. This will be uniquely achieved by carefully chosen murals of the correct perspective and sense of depth. Other means of furnishings will be employed to create the visual illusion of space and depth. All pieces of décor and furniture will be specifically selected to fit the theme. I will be designing three bedrooms: 1) children’s, 2) teens’, and 3) adults’; each with a unique theme. I will create floor plans, elevations, and scaled miniatures of the rooms as well as a schedule (list) of all décor, furniture, lighting and finishes.

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Being homeschooled all the way up to college influenced every part of Erin Pait’s life. Growing up without modern technology she spent her time daydreaming and letting her imagination take her to other worlds. Now as a designer and fine artist she is turning her childhood dreams into visual renderings and tangible environments to allow others into her created worlds.


"Invironment" is an excellent idea! I appreciate how your imagination shines through, as well as your compassion and energy. I love it, Erin!

Submitted by Paula_Young on Tue, 04/13/2021 - 20:51 Permalink

Congratulations, Erin! I love your idea and appreciate your efforts. Best wishes always!

Submitted by susanharding on Wed, 04/14/2021 - 21:26 Permalink