Do you have the perfect space for your event or want to open it up for others to enjoy? Then contact Endless Views today. We are the Airbnb of venues. We aim to promote our community’s hidden beauty while supporting local businesses. This business is a concept that allows guests to have a number of choices when it comes to the location of their event. We would provide an online space that would host a list of local properties throughout the region that do not serve the purpose of being an established venue but have the aesthetic and potential to host events; they have the space but need the supplies. We would then let our clients choose a venue of their choice and the actual land owner would get a portion of the payment and we would get the rest because we would provide the other side of the package; chairs, tables, wedding planners, tents, bathrooms (if needed), catering, flowers, and so on. The vendors we will provide will consist of local businesses to support the amazing work they are doing. With Endless View’s services, we allow our customers to completely customize their event in such a way that we put the “u” in venue. In my business plan portfolio, I have researched my market analysis, competition, industry outlook, and target markets. I also researched and completed a SWOT analysis, legal structure, paperwork, organizational charts, marketing, advertising, funding, startup costs, fee structure, inventory, packages, contracts, insurance, and projections. Through this research Endless Views has grown into the dream that I have had for some time now. Endless Views is happy to create a setting for your story.
Alyson Gammons is from Ridgeway, Virginia and will be graduating in May with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and minors in Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership and Business Entrepreneurship. She is a member of the soccer and tennis teams at Salem and also the president of Rotaract Club. Her ultimate goal is to own her own business one day to give back to the community that she grew up in. Alyson would like to thank all of friends, teammates, professors, advisors, and family for everything they have done for her. She is forever grateful for their support.
"We put the 'u' in venue"--great tag line, Alyson! I can't wait to see your project on the wall!