The purpose of this project was twofold: (1) to host a virtual 5k to raise awareness and money for the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) of Winston-Salem; and (2) to promote physical activity at a time when many physical activity options are limited. Students in the exercise science major learn that 150 minutes of physical activity a week is important for adults’ health because being sedentary can lead to disease and early death. Due to COVID and social distancing, many people are not as active as they were before. This project offered a perfect event for Salem College athletes who might not be as active due to sport practice and games being canceled. Action research, which helps bring change to a specific problem, guided this project. Preliminary outcomes of the event and lessons learned from the project are presented.
Sarah Benson is a senior from Kernersville, North Carolina. After she graduates, she hopes to go to Winston-Salem State University to get her Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy. Sarah has a passion for working with children with special needs.
The Ronald McDonald House has served several families with whom I am close.
Congratulations on your acceptance into the WSSU program!
I was accepted at Pfieffer University and plan to attend.
We raised $855.66!!!
76 total participants!
PS Thank Dr. Young!