"I don't get it!": Exploring the Misconceptions of Modern Art

“Standing next to modern art I could make”: A recent social media trend has sparked controversy within the art world. Videos depicting teenagers and young...
“Standing next to modern art I could make”: A recent social media trend has sparked controversy within the art world. Videos depicting teenagers and young...
Dementia, generally, and Alzheimer’s Disease, more narrowly, are among the conditions most feared by Americans. Fears of aging, becoming disabled, or becoming dementia-affected pervade the...
This presentation is the result of a literature review and an IRB-approved study based on the Salem College Writing Center. It investigates the questions of...
“How does the use of personal narrative in confessional poetry contribute to the understanding of the mind-body connection in health studies?” This question is important...
Gun violence has become a primary issue in the United States, causing massive increases in death and fear in society. Gun violence punishment on the...
At some point in their lifetimes, a majority of people will experience myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), presbyopia (age-related farsightedness), astigmatism, or a combination of these...
Mental health has grown significantly among society in reference to the need for services and an increase in mental health diagnoses. This has been seen...
My project was to research how children’s book illustration began and how it can still inspire creators today. I will give a brief history of...
The Acts of Paul and Thecla is a second-century CE Christian work detailing Thecla’s conversion to the apostle Paul’s teachings and her divine rescues from...
When exploring representations of race on the modern stage, it is paramount to begin by examining recent works that have appeared on Broadway, the stronghold...
This project examines contemporary student activism and protest in order to see how student action engages in critical analysis and resists hegemonic ideals traditionally held...
There are many reasons why Black Americans have a shorter life expectancy than White Americans. Most of this stems from systematic inequalities in the healthcare...
In the United States, there is a severe lack of prenatal care available to women and families. There is limited access to education, care, and...
In recent years, yoga practitioners have joined forces with medical programs to approach patients’ well-being holistically. This study is a randomized controlled trial to assess...
Coronary artery disease is the most common cardiac disease in the United States. When vessels supplying the heart become completely blocked, the heart tissue dies...
Understandings of death and the afterlife have proved to be a point of controversy and concern for both early followers of Christ and modern Christians...
Every time a language becomes extinct, the whole world permanently loses an invaluable and irreplaceable source of knowledge ranging from culture and history to medicine...